For Men

You are not alone in this situation. We have male advocates who will meet with you to answer your questions and find out what support you need to be a strong advocate for your partner and child. We can help the two of you get through this. Your partner needs your support now more than ever.

What To Do

  • First, before anything else, confirm her pregnancy. Schedule an appointment for both of you to come to Hope Pregnancy Center. She can take a free pregnancy test, and if necessary, we can schedule her for a free limited ultrasound.
  • Talk with her and listen to her. Keep the lines of communication open between the two of you at all times.
  • Share your thoughts with her. Ultimately, the choice is hers, but she should hear what you’re thinking.
  • Talk with the important people in your life. Discuss the situation with your parents and others who will be directly affected. Keeping this a secret will only add to the stress – yours and hers.
  • Educate yourself about all of your pregnancy options.
  • Be honest with her and yourself. You’ll be surprised at how much it will help her to know that you share the same concerns.
Man searching on his phone "My Girlfriend is Pregnant… Now What?!"
Man thinking of what not to do when he finds out his girlfriend is  pregnant

What Not To Do

Don’t run away from your responsibilities.
Do not close yourself off emotionally because you are not the only one involved.

Do not pressure her. You both need to work together.
Do not stop communicating. Express your feelings and add your input whenever it’s needed.


As a dad-to-be, you will likely have some serious questions about how that will impact your life. Once a month, we have a gathering just for dads at our Bryan location, where you can hang out, shoot some pool, and talk with some seasoned dads to get your questions answered. Call us, or ask your advocate for information.

A couple that is happy the man is attending Dadhood classes

Schedule An
Appointment With Us

If necessary, come and talk with us by yourself. We’re always available.
Give us a call at (979) 695-9193 or schedule your appointment online today!